Which Statement Describes a Characteristic of Cloud Computing?

Which Statement Describes a Characteristic of Cloud Computing
Which Statement Describes a Characteristic of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a revolutionary technology that offers an on-demand service for businesses and organizations. There are four types of clouds like Private, community, hybrid, and public clouds. There are multiple characteristics of cloud computing but the question is “Which Statement Describes a Characteristic of Cloud Computing.”

The answer to this query is clearly mentioned in this article below. Just go through the article and try to understand the answer in detail.

Let’s dive into the in-depth explanation.

Which Statement Describes a Characteristic of Cloud Computing?

The statement “On-demand self-service, Broad network access, Resource Pooling, Measured service, and Rapid Elasticity are main the Characteristics of Cloud Computing” describes a characteristic of Cloud Computing.

The characteristics of Cloud computing describe the capabilities and usefulness of this technology for businesses and organizations.

Cloud Computing technology resolves many critical problems of a growing business.

Let’s see the different characteristics of Cloud Computing.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing

There are five main characteristics of cloud computing that make this technology easy to use and affordable.

The five characteristics are

  • On-demand Self Service
  • Resource Pooling
  • Broad Network Access
  • Measured Service
  • Rapid Elasticity
  • On-demand Self Service

All the major cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud have their own data centers. They have a giant storage space and service facility which allows small businesses and big businesses to take subscriptions according to their requirement.

The whole ecosystem is based on Artificial Intelligence that’s why no human interaction is required between consumer and service provider.

For example, if you want to extend the subscription, increase or decrease the rented storage space, just send a request and it will be handled by AI systems and service will be offered within minutes.

  • Resource Pooling

Resource pooling is the process of creating multiple virtual servers through a physical server and assigning them to different clients.

For example, if we have a virtual server of 3GB RAM and 300GB Hard disc and we create three virtual servers of 1GB RAM and 100GB hard disc each. Now we can distribute these virtual servers to three different clients.

  • Broad Network Access

Broad network access is a characteristic of Cloud Computing that allows users to access Cloud storage from any Internet-enabled device (Smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop) and from any location of the world.

  • Measured Service

This characteristic of Cloud Computing makes it very affordable and easy to use for small businesses and organizations. They can use cloud computing services on the basis of pay-per-use.

This means you will be charged only for the services you have used for a particular duration.

It is just like an electricity bill that you pay on a per-unit basis.

  • Rapid Elasticity

Rapid elasticity is one of the most important characteristics of Cloud Computing because it allows users to increase or decrease the number of servers and services on an immediate basis.

The user has control over the servers and services to upgrade or degrade as per requirement.

It is also called the scalability of cloud computing which allows a growing business to scale easily.

Final Remarks

There is a total of five major characteristics of cloud computing that make it cutting-edge technology. These technologies are mentioned above and the statement “On-demand self-service, Broad network access, Resource Pooling, Measured service, and Rapid Elasticity are the Characteristics of Cloud Computing” describes the different characteristics of cloud computing.

This sentence is the most accurate answer to the question asked at the starting of this article.