Data are Made Anonymous by

Data Are Made Anonymous By
Data Are Made Anonymous By

Data are made anonymous by the below-mentioned techniques.

These techniques are often used for making a data set completely untraceable.

We use VPN to make an Internet user anonymous but in the case of data set, it is a little bit different.

An anonymous set of data is considered to promote an unbiased approach.

This process takes a few steps to be followed carefully.


Data are Made Anonymous by The Steps Below

It is not a singular effort to make the data anonymous but should be followed at multiple steps.

Each step is crucial and should be implemented properly. Let’s discuss each step

Removing all the Identifiers mentioned in the Data

In this step, we remove all the identifiers present in the data set. This step is important to hide the source of information.

Identifiers are the very basic track of source that’s why should be removed properly and cross-checked before distribution of data.

Sign Confidentiality Agreement Between Team Members

This step is crucial to assure the anonymity of data. All the team members and researchers must sign a confidentiality agreement to maintain the anonymity of the data.

An agreement is an assurance of the anonymity of data.

A Secure Location to Add up Key-Linking Names to Responses

Data are Made Anonymous by adding up key linking names to responses in a secure location. This is one of the important steps to maintain anonymity.

An expert-level resource is required to finish this job because the key-linking process is not easy.

Aggregate Form Should be used to Provide the Researched Data to Publications

This step is also very important to make the data anonymous. The data should be handed over to the publications in the aggregate form.

The data must be cross-checked before and after any of the above steps.

Related read: What is data sourcing?

Final Remarks

The data are made anonymous by the steps

Removing the Identifiers Carefully, Signing Confidentiality Agreement, Putting Key-Linking names to responses in a secure location and the researched data should be handed over to the publications in aggregate form.

Follow these step-by-step processes to make data completely anonymous.