How to get around Xfinity watch in-home only Error (Easy)

How to Get Around Xfinity Watch in Home Only Errors
How to Get Around Xfinity Watch in Home Only Errors

Are you at home and still getting an error message on Xfinity that says “You can access these services in your home only?” Well, this is because Xfinity provides its users with this key feature that protects their privacy. Also, the content can only be accessed on your home network. So, how to get around Xfinity watch in-home only?

Well, I got you covered because in this article I am going to give you some hacks to get around Xfinity watch in-home only so that you can get entertained without any interruptions.

So, let’s dive in!


How to get around Xfinity watch in-home only?

If you are getting an error message while using Xfinity on your home network, you can just check if it is connected to the appropriate home network, and then follow these mentioned solutions:

Check if you are connected to your home network

Once again make sure that you are connected to the appropriate home Xfinity network because many times it happens that the Xfinity device can get connected to the other networks close to the proximity.

And this can cause a big nuisance when trying to connect with Xfinity because of its strict only home network policy. 

Therefore, take your time and try to figure out the Wi-Fi settings on your device.

Try connecting to the other devices

Sometimes it is not the fault of your home network, but your streaming device. So, in order to get a clear idea about this issue, try connecting another device to your home network. 

If the other device is working perfectly, then it is a 100% fault of the streaming device, but if the other devices are showing any kind of lack then probably you should follow the next step.

Restart the Router

In this case, you are connected to the Xfinity network, but your router’s gateway has some problem connecting itself to the internet. So, to resolve this issue just try to restart the router with the help of the on/off switch, or by unplugging the router and again plugging it back.

Then, connect your streaming devices again whether it be your laptop, PC, or Smart TV.

Restart your device

Tried restarting your router but still getting that annoying error message? Well, then try restarting your streaming device like; laptop, PC, or your Smart TV. 

Before restarting your streaming device, don’t forget to disconnect it from your Wi-Fi network and after a successful reboot, connect it with the home network again. 

Crosscheck your Home Network settings

Sometimes, it is not the fault of your streaming device or your router, but your home network settings. So, try to log in to your Xfinity panel and cross-check for any typo error. 

Check for the appropriate IP Address and MAC address, even the login credentials, and if you find any error in the Panel, just change it to the legitimate one to get your problem resolved ASAP.

Use browser on your mobile

What if you are far from home like Spidey, and want to access your favorite streaming networks on the go? Don’t worry, you can easily access some of the online content and the downloaded ones, on your mobile browser.

To access your Xfinity directly even if you are not connected to your home network, just use the login portal for Xfinity on your mobile browser, and start watching your favorite titles in no time.

Try logging out and logging in

Sometimes we tend to forget that the app can also show some error, while we focus on these solutions. Therefore, a basic log out and login is needed to fix the app errors. 

To do this trick go to the Settings option on the Xfinity app, and select Change Household Account. Thus, you will be logged out and eventually back in just a few minutes on Xfinity. 

Note: Any downloaded titles will be removed from the mobile devices and will be returned to DVR.

Check the cable modem

Always check the cable modem information, if you find any connectivity issue with the Xfinity. So, to start with, check the Serial Number, MAC address, the make, and the modem model.

If you find any error in the information section, Xfinity will not work well with your Home-Wi-Fi network.

Contact Customer Support

Well, this is the last resort for all the Xfinity users out there. So, if these do not work for you, then your only ray of hope will be contacting customer support.

You can always reach out to the customer support guys by visiting them on the contact-us page. 

Final Remarks:

So, getting an error message while using Xfinity on the home network is not a major issue. You can resolve it in just a few minutes with the above-mentioned proven solutions.

Thus, these were my 9 proven hacks, on how to get around Xfinity watch in-home only errors.