How to Recover Encrypted Files by Ransomware (4 Data Backup Methods)

How to recover encrypted files by ransomware
How to Recover Encrypted files by Ransomware

Ransomware data attack is the most practiced cyber-attack carried out by attackers to gain minimal to huge financial benefit. So, to keep your files safe you should always practice installing antimalware software on your computer, but what if you are still affected by this vicious deed and are not able to get back your files? You will surely question this to yourself “How to recover encrypted files by ransomware?”

Chill buddy! Because in this article I will be giving you some of the topmost solutions to get back your files that are affected by the ransomware malware attack.

So, without any further ado, let’s hop into the conversation. 


How to Recover Encrypted Files by Ransomware?

Well, if you are affected by this not-so-healthy-for-your-pocket, so to recover the encrypted files by ransomware, you should always restore your files from the backup or try windows restore. Although, if you want to get proper information on each solution, I urge you to follow through with the whole article and then decide which solution fits you well.

Solution #1. Restoring files from backup:

So, the first solution that I will provide you with to recover encrypted files ransomware, is by restoring files from backup. It is one of the safest bets to get your encrypted files back in no time. 

Although this solution comes with a catch, and that is if you haven’t had any backup of your files and applications, then it is really hard to get them back. So, always practice backing up your files and applications from time to time, and to recover them just follow these simple steps:

Note: This solution works only if you have turned on the File History Option, so if it is disabled you can always enable it and start recovering your files.

  • Click on the Start button.
  • Now, click on the Settings icon.
  • Click on Update and Security.
  • Click on Backup.
  • Then click on Back up using file history.
  • Click on More options.
  • Click on the Restore from a current backup.
  • Now, a new window will open up.
  • Enter the name of your desired file to recover.
  • Windows will provide you with different file versions, so click on the desired version.
  • Finally, click on the Restore Button.

The second way you can back up your files is by using cloud storage like OneDrive, which stores your files over the internet, so you can back it up from any device. It is always recommended to enable automatic backup on OneDrive, to ensure full duplication of your files. 

Not to forget before restoration, eliminate the ransomware first, to avoid any further inconvenience, like getting files injected with the malware again. The elimination process can be done by simply resetting your system to factory defaults. 

Solution #2. Full System Recovery:

The second most option to recover your ransomware malware-affected files is by doing a full system recovery. And to do this, you can just follow these simple steps:

  • Click on Start Button.
  • Go to the Settings Menu.
  • Select Update & Security option.
  • Now on the right-hand side, you will see the Recovery option. Click on that.
  • Now, click on Advanced Startup.
  • Click on Troubleshoot > Advanced Option > System Restore.
  • Now, click Next.
  • Choose the point or destination that will help you recover the affected files.
  • Finally, click on next and wait for the complete system restoration.

Solution #3. Using a Data Recovery Software:

If at any point in time, you failed to back up your files or, if the computer has no recovery point, then my friend a Data Recovery Software is your best friend.

Data recovery software’s can:

  1. Repair hard drives partitions or de-format drives.
  2. Help you extract corrupted or deleted data from the drives.

Such software can help recover data from most storage devices, and they work for both user and system-created data, which includes flash drives, hard disks, external storage drives, and tape drives.

You can always try the following Data Recovery Software’s; EaseUS, Stellar Recovery, Disk Drill, and Prosoft Data Rescue. Or else you can choose the best available out there.

Solution #4: Try Ransomware Decryption Tools:

The last solution that I will be providing you is to try Ransomware Decryption Tools. Using the Decryption Tool can save you from the above hectic process, and can decrypt your files a 99%. It works by breaking the ransomware encryption on your files using the random algorithms developed by security experts.

So, try installing such decryption software and follow the prompts accordingly to finish the installation, and after that start your decryption process. To be very precise the ransomware malware can again affect your files if you don’t take the precautionary measures. 

Therefore, try installing Anti-Malware software to stay protected from future ransomware threats.

Some of the good Decryption tools that I suggest are; Quick Heal, Apocalypse, Avast, Kaspersky Rakhni Decryptor, Mcafee Ransomware recover.

Final Remarks on How to Recover Encrypted files by Ransomware

So, getting your files attacked by Ransomware Malware is the darkest nightmare a user can have because the damage it does to the user and files is something that can’t be measured. 

Even some of the biggest business companies are tricked by hackers using ransomware malware to pay them ransom if they want their business data to be safe and sound.

Thus, these were my top 4 solutions on how to recover encrypted files from ransomware, that will help you to recover and decrypt your files without paying the hackers. P.S. Hacking is a serious crime and can lead the accused to face various consequences if caught. So, I urge you, not to follow such criminal activities or even promote them by staying silent. You can always ask your nearest Cyber Crime Cell to look into the matter and provide you with the appropriate solution.