How to find the Virus in a Laptop (Tested Method)

Viruses are the most basic yet dangerous threat in the technological or human world. For instance, when a person is affected by any virus, say flu, he/she experiences emerging health issues like; fatigue and sleepiness.

In the same way, when your laptop gets infected by any virus, it slows down, often restarts itself, and even gets hanged. Thus, causing the user a lot of trouble while operating. Hence, it becomes essential to find and eliminate this malicious thing from the system.

But, how to find the virus in a laptop?

Well, there are a few signs that may help you determine, if your laptop is infected with a virus or not, and if your laptop is infected, you can eliminate it by using a few methods which I am gonna put forward in this article.

So, let’s begin the virus hunt.


How to find the virus in a laptop?

If you feel like your laptop is infected with a virus, you can always find it by running a full antivirus scan, with the help of Windows Defender or any legitimate antivirus app. 

Although some sure signs can help you examine your laptop for virus infections, they are listed below.

Signs of a virus infection:

  • Your computer slows down:

This is the first sign that may help you determine whether your laptop is infected with a virus or not. So, if your computer has slowed down instantly, and is facing problems while opening up a simple application, there are chances that your laptop is infected with a virus. 

Although, the slowing down of the computer can also be caused due to insufficient RAM or full storage.

  • Rapid Battery Drain:

Laptops are known for their ease and convenience, and therefore, laptops are equipped with rechargeable batteries to carry out electricity for the functioning unit.

So, if you see any unwanted and rapid battery drain on your laptop, there are chances that your laptop is infected with a virus.

  • Automatic Restart:

Yes, a virus can lead your laptop to automatic restart. When a virus is injected into your laptop, it occupies your system resources and causes great havoc inside your computer system. Thus, forcing your computer to restart every few minutes.

  • Unexpected window pop-ups:

Are you seeing those unexpected window pop-ups on your screen every now and then? If yes, your computer is infected with a virus that is causing this trouble.

  • Missing files:

Have your important files gone missing that you remember not deleting? Then, it can be a virus that has done that. Viruses are programmed to capture files of the users so that a hacker can gain control over it, and demand ransom against them.

  • New random applications:

Do you see some new and random apps on your laptop, that you don’t remember installing? If yes, then it can be because a virus has installed it. These new-random apps can be used by hackers to spy on you or gain control over your system.

  • A sudden spike of heat:

Laptops or any gadget heats up when in use, and according to tech experts, it is a good sign as it signifies that your system is running healthily. But, if you find that your laptop is heating up drastically, even if you are not running a heavy app or game, then it can be a sign of virus infection. 

Due to virus infection, your system has to work harder to function, thus creating the constant whirring sound of the cooling fan.

  • Unwanted mails to your friends from you:

Are your friends complaining about you sending a bulk of emails to them, which was never sent by you? 

If the answer is positive, then the virus is the culprit. Some viruses are programmed in such a way that they can hijack your computer system and then attach themselves to an email, in order to duplicate themselves on your friend’s computer. 

  • Browser lag:

Browser lag can also happen due to a virus infection. When a virus enters into the browser through the internet, it hijacks it, to download other virus files on your computers. For instance, if you click on adware unintentionally, then it tries to download itself and its supporting files through your browser.

Thus, causing a lag in the browser. Similarly, if you are facing constant redirection while browsing the internet, it can be because of a virus.

  • Antivirus or antimalware is malfunctioning:

If your antivirus/antimalware software is malfunctioning, then a virus might be the cause. Generally, antivirus systems are meant to eliminate viruses from the system, but these modern-day viruses are so enhanced, that they can restrict your antivirus software or antimalware software, causing malfunction, and in the worst-case scenario block them completely.

What to do, if you find these symptoms Positive?

So, if you find any of the above-mentioned symptoms to be positive, then you might want to consider these methods:

  • Run a full antivirus scan:

Running a full antivirus scan is the first thing that you might consider if your laptop is infected with the virus. Antivirus or antimalware software is designed in such a way, that it can find and eliminate most of the viruses from your computer without much effort. 

Additionally, Windows systems are equipped with their Windows Defender system, which helps in keeping your laptop safe and secure from day one. It runs an automatic scan in the background so that you don’t have to initiate it manually.

Although, I recommend investing in legitimate antivirus software, as it can protect you from various updated versions of viruses and threats.

  • Try running the system into safe mode:

If you are unable to run an antivirus scan on your computer, then the virus might be blocking it. Therefore, in this situation, you might want to try running your laptop into safe mode, and then try running a total antivirus scan on your computer.

  • Reinstall the entire OS:

If your antivirus software is unable to function properly, even after booting your laptop into safe mode, then you might want to consider reinstalling the entire OS on your laptop. 

Although, if you are trying to reinstall the entire OS on a laptop, you should first have a backup ready by your side, which is not virus-infected. Also, if you don’t have any idea about the reinstallation process, I recommend taking the help of an expert.

  • Educate yourself and your loved ones:

This is the most crucial thing you can do to save your laptop from getting a virus infection. Always educate yourself, and your loved ones about safe online habits, and how to eliminate the virus, if their laptop gets infected. 

According to a survey, “95% of the teens use the internet, but 18% of them are not aware of good online behavior.” Therefore, it is better to invest your time to educate yourself and your family about the same.

Final Remarks on “how to find the virus in a laptop

Gadgets have become a basic necessity, and so is protecting your data. Therefore, it is essential to use a legitimate antivirus or antimalware software, which can help you find the virus in your laptop. 

Although, educating yourself, and your loved ones about online safety is the first step that you should take because these antiviruses or antimalware software can only help us if we help ourselves.