8 Ways To Protect Walmart Account From Getting Hacked

Walmart is a popular online retailer, but it’s also a huge target for cybercriminals. They’re known to hack user accounts and get away with expensive purchases.

Furthermore, they can steal personal data and other valuable information. In fact, thousands of customers have sued the company over such incidents. 

The good news? 

Protecting your Walmart account from getting hacked is fairly simple. Below you’ll find 8 preventive measures that’ll only take a moment of your time. 

Let’s check them out.


8 ways to protect your Walmart account from getting hacked

Here’s how to safeguard your account and ensure it never gets compromised:

1. Set a strong password

Cybercriminals crack weak passwords with brute force attacks all the time. They use automated bots to guess the combinations.

Walmart Create new password

That’s why you need complex passwords! They should contain twelve characters, including numbers, symbols, and uppercase/lowercase letters.

LastPass online password tool

You can try online tools like LastPass to generate them. Besides, avoid reusing credentials from other platforms to reduce the risk of getting hacked.

2. Use a password manager

Password managers are a great option if you find it hard to memorize all your combinations. They’ll help you generate and store hack-proof credentials in a secure vault.

Others, like 1Password, additionally include encrypted storage to save your credit card data. That way, there’s no need to keep your payment details on Walmart.

3. Enable passwordless login

Passwordless login is an authentication method for accessing your account without a password. When activated, Walmart will send you a one-time code via SMS anytime you want to log in.

You can go to your profile and enable the feature under Personal info. Then choose Password-less login from the Sign in preference menu, and you’re good to go.

This method is pretty effective against hackers because they’ll need your phone to get the login code.

4. Watch out for phishing emails

Phishing is a form of social engineering where attackers impersonate legitimate entities to steal sensitive information. In this case, they may use fake Walmart emails to trick customers.

They usually contain links and attachments that’ll download malware if opened. One of the most insidious types is spyware. It’ll steal your credentials and forward them to cybercriminals. 

Alternatively, you could get redirected to a fake website that’s actually a Walmart copycat. Once there, you may accidentally share your login details with hackers.

You should always double-check the email header to ensure it’s encrypted and from Walmart.

Additionally, ignore all messages asking you to reveal your account credentials. Real Walmart representatives would never make such requests.

5. Monitor account activity

You should regularly check your account activity for suspicious changes to your email, phone number, and address. Some settings, like your delivery addresses, won’t ask for your authorization when modifying them.

Walmart Delivery Addresses section

So, you should primarily focus on this area. You can find the Addresses section under the Manage Account menu.

You should also keep tabs on your purchase history. If you notice any products you don’t remember buying, report them.

6. Use a VPN

Public Wi-Fi may be convenient, but it’s dangerous.

Accessing your Walmart account while connected to a public hotspot is unwise. You never know who could be snooping on your activities.

But if you have to, consider using a VPN to encrypt your traffic. It’ll hide your data from eavesdroppers.

7. Get an antivirus

Investing in good antivirus software is a smart decision. It’ll shield you against online threats like viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, and more.

Some, like TotalAV, will also block phishing and other low-trust websites. That’ll drastically reduce your chances of ending up on a fake Walmart website.

8. Keep your Walmart app and OS updated 

Software updates are crucial for patching security loopholes on your device. Ignoring them leaves you vulnerable to cyberattacks.

You should always update your OS as soon as a new version is available. Likewise, don’t leave out your Walmart mobile app if you use it.


Losing your Walmart account to hackers can be financially devastating. They can do all kinds of purchases with the payment methods listed on your profile. Cybercriminals may also steal other sensitive data.

But our simple preventive measures will protect your Walmart account from getting hacked. It’s up to you to take action!