Can a Kindle be Hacked (How to ensure its Security)

can a Kindle be hacked
can a Kindle be hacked

Amazon Kindle is one of the most popular eBook reader devices which enables a user to access books of different genres from one big online library owned by Amazon. Moreover, the Kindle device can also be used as a multi-purpose device to surf the web or watch videos. However, many users are concerned about the security of their Kindle devices, which automatically forced them to question the legitimacy of Kindle. So, can a Kindle be hacked?

Well, let’s find out!


Can a Kindle be hacked?

YES, a Kindle can be easily hacked by a professional hacker because at the end of the day it is an IoT device that functions as a computer and needs active internet connectivity.

Although, experts have mentioned that there is only a slight possibility of Kindle devices getting hacked, as it does not fall under the radar of hackers frequently.

Still, as they say, it is better to stay safe rather than cry later.

What exactly happened with Kindle? 

Checkpoint an Israel-based cyber security company developed a PoC attack to exploit the vulnerability inside the Amazon Kindle device. So, to start with, Yaniv Balmas, head of cyber research at Checkpoint created an evilish e-book that was easily able to exploit Kindle by gaining the root user right. 

Moreover, he also mentioned that this loophole was so vulnerable, that a hacker can easily create a malicious eBook based on a specific target audience, then list it inside the Kindle library without any verification process (thanks to Amazon’s self-publishing feature, which allows an author to easily self-publish his books on the platform), that can cause various cyber security issues like hacking, or even Wi-Fi hijacking when the user tries to open it. 

However, after Checkpoint informed Amazon about this vulnerability in February 2021, they finally fixed it in April 2021 through the 5.13.5 update for Kindle. 

If you want to gain more insight into the story, then you can check out Checkpoint’s blog.

How to safeguard Kindle from hackers?

So, after witnessing the security flaw that Kindle faced in the year 2021, it has become very essential to safeguard our Kindle device from hackers. 

Therefore, I am mentioning some of the safety measures that can help you protect your Kindle device from hackers.

Download and Open eBooks from Trusted Sources Only

The only known and most effective way to hack a kindle device is through malicious eBooks.

Never download and open any eBook from unknown sources because it may contain malware that can harm your device and provide its control to the hacker.

Once the hacker gains control of your Kindle, he may further exploit it to gain control of your network and other connected devices.

You should take some extra security measures to avoid a critical situation. The security measures are mentioned below.

Use Antimalware and Antivirus software:

The first solution to protect your Kindle from getting hacked is to use Antimalware and Antivirus software because Antivirus/Antimalware software will scan your Kindle device regularly for any kind of potential threat.

If it does, then it will automatically fix or delete such files from your Kindle device. Moreover, many people also use their Kindle device to surf the internet, and that’s where the firewall feature which comes packed with your Antivirus software can help you to avoid possible online threats.

Use a VPN service:

A VPN service is a perfect fit when you are using your Kindle device on an unprotected network, i.e., a public Wi-Fi, because an unprotected network is unsafe and vulnerable to most cyberattacks. But when you enable a VPN connection, it encrypts your internet connection, thus leaving zero scopes for the hacker to intrude.

Additionally, if you are someone who streams online content on your Kindle device, then you can easily break the shackles of geo-restrictions by using a VPN that provides maximum virtual locations to its users. 

Although remember, always invest in a VPN service that has military-grade protection and zero data leaks policy.

Avoid downloading apps from third-party vendors:

This is a no-brainer because third-party apps are known for their vulnerable side, and therefore don’t risk your Kindle device by downloading a third-party app on it, as it may contain some kind of malicious code inserted by a hacker to hack your device.

However, you can always use the official Kindle app store to download your favorite apps on the device, as it is 100% safe.

Fetch in a strong password:

Passwords are considered to be a signature of the devices, and like real signatures, they should be strong and complex, so that no one can replicate them.

Therefore, always try to fetch in a strong password on your Kindle device, so that no one can access your device without your permission.

Avoid leaving your Kindle device alone:

Another very important point that every single person on earth should keep in mind, is that never ever leave your Kindle device or any of your devices alone because there are high chances that it may get stolen or accessed by anyone.

Keep it updated:

A regular software update is a must, as it helps your device in keeping bugs and security loopholes at bay. Therefore, always try to update your Kindle device regularly, to patch it with the newest security features.

Always practice safe surfing:

If you are someone, who uses Kindle for surfing the shopping websites or social media sites, then I suggest you look for that lock sign beside the website URL.

If there is a lock pad symbol beside a URL then it is considered to be an SSL-equipped website, which is very much secure compared to the non-SSL ones. 

Never click on suspicious links:

Last but not the least, never ever click on a link that seems suspicious, because these kinds of links are planted by the hackers inside an email or website to expose a user to various kinds of malware.

Final Remarks on “Can a Kindle be hacked?”

Most people love e-reader devices like Kindle, which helps them to access their favorite magazine or books on the go. But at the same time, we should never forget that it is an IoT device that is vulnerable to different kinds of cyberattacks, especially hacking.

Therefore, it is better to follow the safety measures that are mentioned in the article, to safeguard your Kindle device from hacking.